ALI-ALPHA.01-KNOCKER-FOR_BELL.u1.716 replacement for u1 on stern Ali to use the knocker instead of the weak sounding bell sound. You can put a real bell in the game as well new version of stern big game CATACOMB_NOBAGATELLE.ZIP Stern catacomb, no after ball bagatelle round, for tournaments. Not very polished, quick n dirty hack. Slight tweak to stern cheetah, 'collect bonus' is only available once per ball once earned. This is sound package #2. Slight tweak to stern cheetah as previous, but with the roms that have different sounds. DRAGONFIST_VB14.ZIP Rewrite of stern dragonfist to eliminate some bugs and add some tournmament friendly options New version of stern flight 2000 to eliminate ball relocking during multiball and add speech and other gameplay changes New verison of stern lightning to eliminate ball relocking during multiball New version of stern lightning, eliminates ball relocking during multiball and resets standup targets to half completed if you complete all without balls locked New versions of stern meteor, for 6 and 7 digit displays, adds some features, fixes endless bonus bug meteora2(1).zip Stern Electronics, Inc.'s fix for the endless bonus bug Free play for all stern electronics pinball games. Always freeplay, no selection with dips. Includes version of orbitor 1 that does not have a minimum timed game. New version of stern 9 ball to fix many bugs. New version of stern quicksilver with spinner counters and drop sweep awards. New version of stern seawitch with spinner counter, standup carryover options, and consecutive loop award option. New version of stern trident with various changes